Maurizio Mochetti is born in 1940 in Rome, where he lives and works. In 1968 he made his debut on the Roman art scene with his first solo exhibition, Dieci progetti di Maurizio Mochetti, at the Galleria “La Salita”. In 1969 Mochetti won the first “Premio Pascali” in Polignano a Mare and in the same year he won the “Sculpture Prize” at the VI Young Biennial in Paris.
In 1970 he participated in his first Biennale di Venezia, that will be followed by those of 1978, 1982, 1986, 1988, 1997.
Since the early 70s he faced the international scene by participating in 1976 in the Sydney Biennale, in 1998 at the XXIV Bienal de São Paulo and in 1991 at the International Biennial of Nagoya. In 1988 he was invited as artist in residence to Exploratorium, San Francisco (USA). Among the important participations we mention: Linee della ricerca artistica in Italia: 1960/1980, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 1981; Arte italiana 1960-’82, Haywart, 1982, La otra escultura Palacio de Cristal, Madrid, 1990; Roma anni ‘60. Al di là della pittura, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 1990; Maurizio Mochetti, MLAC Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea de La Sapienza, Rome, 1995; Misure invisibili, Basilica di San Clemente, Rome, 1998; Arte italiana: ultimi quarant’anni. Materiali anomali, Galleria civica di Bologna, Bologna, 1997/1998; Minimalia. Da Giacomo Balla a…, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 1997/1998; L’avventura della materia. Dal Futurismo al Laser, Kunstforum in der GrundkreditBank, Berlin, 2001; Giganti, Fori imperiali, Rome, 2001, Arte in memoria, Area archeologica di Ostia Antica, 2002; Maurizio Mochetti 299792,458 km/s, Aeroporto di Fiumicino, Rome, 2004, Italics. Arte italiana fra tradizione e rivoluzione 1968-2008, Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 2008; Anni ’70. Arte a Roma, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 2013.
He has also exposed at the Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum of Eindhooven (1975), at the Stadtische Kunsthalle of Dusseldorf (1978), at the Forum Kunst of Rottweil (1982), at the Museo Alvar Aalto in Finland (1985), at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art (1993).
In 2000 there was one of his most impressive solo exhibitions entitled Elica Infinita at the Centro Cultural del Conde Duque in Madrid.
2003 is the year of a major retrospective exhibition at the Palazzo Ducale in Sassuolo, followed by that of 2009 at the Palazzo Collicola of Spoleto.
In 2011 he won the international competition “MAXXI 2per100” with Rette di Luce nell’Iperspazio Curvilineo, permanently installed at the MAXXI Museum in Rome. He won the “Premio Presidente della Repubblica” in 2013.
Recent exhibitions include: the personal exhibition at the two locations in Berlin and Tokyo of Akira Ikeda Gallery (2015-2016), the collective exhibition L’Image Volèe at the Fondazione Prada in Milano (2016), the exhibition È solo un inizio. 1968 at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome (2017/2018).

Pinguino (Aereo-razzo Bachem Natter BA349 B-1944)
fiberglass, acrylic
cm 105 x 70 x 45
For more information, please contact the gallery
Pinguino (Aereo-razzo Bachem Natter BA349 B-1944), 1987

Camouflage en rouge
fiberglass, acrylic, wood
cm 206 x 206
For more information, please contact the gallery
Camouflage en rouge, 1987

Pinguino (Aereo-razzo Bachem Natter BA349 B-1944)
fiberglass, acrylic
cm 105 x 70 x 45
For more information, please contact the gallery
Pinguino (Aereo-razzo Bachem Natter BA349 B-1944), 1987

acrylic paint on cardboard
cm 70 x 100
For more information, please contact the gallery
Camouflage, 1981

acrylic paint on cardboard
cm 100 x 70
For more information, please contact the gallery
Camouflage, 1982