Franck Scurti

Born in Lyon in 1965, Franck Scurti lives and works in Paris. 

Franck Scurti’s works, often derived from our everyday, domestic world, but also from the urban space, are part of what he calls “already socialised elements”.

Their reinterpretation lies in re-compositions and shifts.

The viewers dive into a familiar world, but which has been submitted to the artist’s explorations, thus requiring a recoding.

He held exhibitions in many museums, such as the Palais de Tokyo in Parigi, the MAMCO – Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain in Genève, the MAN – Museo d’Arte Provincia di Nuoro, the first Moscow Biennale, Berlin, the Haus der Kunst, Munich.

His works are kept in important public and private collections like the Centre Georges Pompidou in Parigi, the Musée d’Art Modern et Contemporain in Strasbourg or the Ali Dinckok Collection, Istanbul.

Franck Scurti
New Chance V
vintage canvas, PVC honeycomb structure,
wood, acrylic, colored plexiglass box
cm 36,5 x 38,5 x 5
For more information, please contact the gallery

New Chance V, 2021

Franck Scurti
Lux-vision III
Murano glass, steel, iron
cm 40 x 50 x 5,5
For more information, please contact the gallery

Lux Vision III, 2021

Franck Scurti
Fine del mercato
tempera and stretch pen on paper
cm 42 x 29,5
For more information, please contact the gallery

Fine del mercato, 2021

Franck Scurti
Sunset stories #1
wood, brass, copper, cardboard, aluminium,
PVC mirror, acrylic paint
cm 93 x 45 x 5
For more information, please contact the gallery

Sunset stories #1, 2018

Franck Scurti
“Still Life” (A Natural History of Destruction)
metal grid, gilding, naturalized butterfly, steel, wood, plexiglas box
cm 71 x 51 x 14,5
For more information, please contact the gallery

“Still Life” (A Natural History of Destruction), 2022

Fine del mercato